I was away for three days with no running so when I returned I thought what better time to push a bit and do a long run with the intent to hold fueling back to the "bonk point" My thought was to experiment with my capability to run fatigued and see how well I can adapt and or come back after the fact.
Usually I fuel between 45 minutes and one hour. This seems to work well for me but I have never tried to push the envelope at all and have no idea how well I would do if pushed to the edge.
My plan was to run 3- 3.5 hours and about 20 miles. I figured I would fuel at about 1.5 hours and see how I felt. I planned to keep my heart rate aveage around 138-140 and my peak (on hills) at 145 with no walking during the first half of the run. Then see what happened on the second half.
The first problem this morning was the rain, it was fairly heavy at times and quite cold. At about 4 miles into the run, I gave up on my glasses and just stuck them in my pocket. I ran mostly on the sides of the road to simulate uneven ground of trails and found them to be very soft which eventually took it's toll on my legs.
I was fairly consistant on during the first loop and felt quite settled into the 10-ish pace. I didn't feel like stopping at the 1.5 hour mark and decided to push it longer at this point I had not walked at all.
At 9.5 miles,I was still feeling very consistant and contemplated not stopping. By 10 miles I had slowed to 11:30 pace. I was at 1:44:00 at this point. I was feeling
totally different and knew it was time to fuel. I slowed to a walk and drank 8oz (half) of the perpetuem, 1 gel pack, 3 antifatigue pills and 2 edurelytes.
The transition from walking back to running really sucked, I felt tired, spongy legged and out of sorts. I struggled through 11 with a mile pace 11:40. By mile 12 I started feeling better and sped up to 10:14 pace but also noticed my heart rate was going up.
mile 13, 14 and 15 went extremely well with negative splits as my paces went 10:05, 9:52 and 9:53 with heart rates hugging the 150s now. I felt things were really going well and thought for certain that 20 miles would be an easy goal for me.....until I hit the big long hill of this course and totally bonked again.
I guess I should have stayed with the 10 minute pace and now had no choice but to walk part of this hill pushing my mile 16 pace down to 11:42. Once I crested the hill, I knew that my legs were done. I could feel the heavy fatigue in every step.
It was about 1.5 miles to return home and felt it was wise to head there. Of course knowing that I had less than 2 miles helped me push things a bit and actually had pretty good splits considering how I felt. 17 and 18 (.34 miles) were 9:18 and 8:06.
I finished at 3 hours covering 17.34 miles. Judging by the good finish, I feel now that I could have pushed the 20 miles but let my negative thinking get the best of me. I always tell myself not to make any decisions while working a hill instead to wait until I recover from the hill work. This time I didn't listen and my decision as I crested the hill was a bit premature.
At least I know now that I can come back from bonking and still run pretty good though I am sure I would have felt much better and finished stronger if I fueled at my normal time. Perhaps it would have been better for my training to fuel properly and get the twenty miles in but hindsite is 20/20 and besides, I wasn't wearing my glasses.
By Sunday afternoon heavy lameness had settled into my legs and my core. I think the core was deeply affected by the soft sand on the shoulder of the road. I wish I felt better as I am only halfway there timewise as the 50k will be be who knows how long but about 6 hours if I do well.
I don't know if I am anyway near ready for that length of trail running judging by the way I felt after 3 hours of road running. I ran so strong on Wednesday running a 10k, I think it was the best I felt since last year.....but now, after running Sunday,I don't feel so strong as I am walking around lame and tired.
I guess I am pretty disapointed as I feel I should be able to bang out a pretty easy 20 miles with some energy to spare. I only have 8 weeks until the 50k Trail race, that is not much time when one can't even finish a 20 mile training run.
17.34 miles 3:01:41 (ended the week with a second 30 mile total)
10:28 pace (first 10 miles 10:24 pace, last 7.24 miles @ 10:34 pace)
141 av HR 159 max.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This Is Feeling Good
Geared up for another road run today. The weather was quite nice, about the same temp as yesterday but with out the chilly wind. I decided to do two loops of a 3.2 course which has four good size rolling hills (end of mile 2, beginning of mile 3) various grades, half tar, half dirt.
Though I did not stop between loops I did hit my splits to compare. I ran the second loop 36 seconds faster than the first probably mostly due to a good speed up and kick at the end.
I ran tempo but still a couple steps down from race pace. Though I did work extremely hard on the hills. I felt great through the whole run....very strong and in control of my breathing. Suprisingly much more comfortable than yesterday.
There is no doubt in my mind that actually running compared to treadmill is a huge step up in training. I ran much harder the last two days yet It didn't "feel" as difficult as running a slower pace on the treadmill. Also, my legs did not feel as tired.
I think part of the reason is that you can adapt and settle in when actually running, but with the treadmill you are chasing the pace of the track and it dictates your speed not allowing you to settle in or adjust strides as conditions change.
I felt so good at the end of my 6.3 run that I jumped right into a mile cooldown that was more like a continuation of the run as far as pace and heart rate goes. The whole workout felt great!
first loop 26:00 (8:15 PACE)
second loop 25:24 (7:58 PACE)
6.3 miles, ....51:24.....8:10 average pace....150 av HR, 160 max
9:02....7:53..hills..8:20...8:13....7:59..hills..7:52....7:07.... 6:58 kick
Cooldown run 1 mile 8:54 pace 143-146 heart rate.
Geared up for another road run today. The weather was quite nice, about the same temp as yesterday but with out the chilly wind. I decided to do two loops of a 3.2 course which has four good size rolling hills (end of mile 2, beginning of mile 3) various grades, half tar, half dirt.
Though I did not stop between loops I did hit my splits to compare. I ran the second loop 36 seconds faster than the first probably mostly due to a good speed up and kick at the end.
I ran tempo but still a couple steps down from race pace. Though I did work extremely hard on the hills. I felt great through the whole run....very strong and in control of my breathing. Suprisingly much more comfortable than yesterday.
There is no doubt in my mind that actually running compared to treadmill is a huge step up in training. I ran much harder the last two days yet It didn't "feel" as difficult as running a slower pace on the treadmill. Also, my legs did not feel as tired.
I think part of the reason is that you can adapt and settle in when actually running, but with the treadmill you are chasing the pace of the track and it dictates your speed not allowing you to settle in or adjust strides as conditions change.
I felt so good at the end of my 6.3 run that I jumped right into a mile cooldown that was more like a continuation of the run as far as pace and heart rate goes. The whole workout felt great!
first loop 26:00 (8:15 PACE)
second loop 25:24 (7:58 PACE)
6.3 miles, ....51:24.....8:10 average pace....150 av HR, 160 max
9:02....7:53..hills..8:20...8:13....7:59..hills..7:52....7:07.... 6:58 kick
Cooldown run 1 mile 8:54 pace 143-146 heart rate.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Enjoying Early Spring
Finally, running out doors instead of treadmill workouts.....it just isn't the same and I felt it tonite. I could have dressed a bit warmer as the wind from the north was quite chilly. When I got into the tree covered parts of the run it did cut the wind a bit but also blocked the sun.
Of course the slight chilly didn't affect me much. I ran with my son Matt and we popped off a decent double 2.5 mile loop. The second loop faster then the first.
We didn't actually run them as intervals as we didn't stop at the first 2.5, we just continued on and clicked our splits.
I feel I work much harder when running tempos on the treadmill but I don't think I get as much out of it as far as training goes. There is something about moving that changes everything. I like the fact that I can settle into a pace and have a chance to kick in the end.
2X2.5 loop
total 5 miles @ 40:50 (8:10 pace)
40 degrees and chilly wind.
Finally, running out doors instead of treadmill workouts.....it just isn't the same and I felt it tonite. I could have dressed a bit warmer as the wind from the north was quite chilly. When I got into the tree covered parts of the run it did cut the wind a bit but also blocked the sun.
Of course the slight chilly didn't affect me much. I ran with my son Matt and we popped off a decent double 2.5 mile loop. The second loop faster then the first.
We didn't actually run them as intervals as we didn't stop at the first 2.5, we just continued on and clicked our splits.
I feel I work much harder when running tempos on the treadmill but I don't think I get as much out of it as far as training goes. There is something about moving that changes everything. I like the fact that I can settle into a pace and have a chance to kick in the end.
2X2.5 loop
total 5 miles @ 40:50 (8:10 pace)
40 degrees and chilly wind.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
No Run But A Post
There was no run yesterday, no workouts, no cross training, just cold blowing wind and a renewed vision of wishfull thinking. Wishing I was somewhere else ....or somewhere else was here.
Closing my eyes brought vague memories back to the front of my brain. Memories of tropical devine..........It was not that long ago I was there.....or was it? It has been 2 years since that trip ...it is a long time.

I feel now that I didn't relish enough moments back then. I was in a hurry to experience it all...as much as I could fit in. Then suddenly it was over.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I need to let go of the big picture sometimes and just enjoy my current task, wether it be a leisurely jog through the woods or sitting on the deck basking in the warm sun.
I spend so much time thinking ahead to my scheduled plans that I tend to overlook the current fun I am having. We, as humans tend to get bogged down with routines and schedules.
How many miles did I run this week, what pace am I at? Though these are good questions and relevent to my future goals, I still need to enjoy the trip as once I am there, I will realize the trip was part of the adventure.
I experienced this Saturday when I ran down to the MS Fells in Mass..... The workout really did not matter as much as the event. Running with my sons through a difficult terrain, none of us ever been there before so we were all enjoying the newness of the trail.
The idea came to me last week. It seemed like it would be difficult to schedule yet everthing fell into place and the bonus was my oldest son decided to join in too. I didn't think of my training once during the run......partially because I was busy trying to breath!
Instead I thought of the trail and my sons running with me and the warmth of the sun beaming through the trees. It was a moment frozen in time.....well OK, an hour and 12 minutes frozen in time.
I am so glad I thought of it, so glad it all worked out, so glad my sons were there.
I hope it was a moment they will remember too. I don't suppose it is a common occurance to run through the woods with your 53 year old dad .......for over an hour.
Closing my eyes brought vague memories back to the front of my brain. Memories of tropical devine..........It was not that long ago I was there.....or was it? It has been 2 years since that trip ...it is a long time.
I feel now that I didn't relish enough moments back then. I was in a hurry to experience it all...as much as I could fit in. Then suddenly it was over.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I need to let go of the big picture sometimes and just enjoy my current task, wether it be a leisurely jog through the woods or sitting on the deck basking in the warm sun.
I spend so much time thinking ahead to my scheduled plans that I tend to overlook the current fun I am having. We, as humans tend to get bogged down with routines and schedules.
How many miles did I run this week, what pace am I at? Though these are good questions and relevent to my future goals, I still need to enjoy the trip as once I am there, I will realize the trip was part of the adventure.
I experienced this Saturday when I ran down to the MS Fells in Mass..... The workout really did not matter as much as the event. Running with my sons through a difficult terrain, none of us ever been there before so we were all enjoying the newness of the trail.
The idea came to me last week. It seemed like it would be difficult to schedule yet everthing fell into place and the bonus was my oldest son decided to join in too. I didn't think of my training once during the run......partially because I was busy trying to breath!
Instead I thought of the trail and my sons running with me and the warmth of the sun beaming through the trees. It was a moment frozen in time.....well OK, an hour and 12 minutes frozen in time.
I am so glad I thought of it, so glad it all worked out, so glad my sons were there.
I hope it was a moment they will remember too. I don't suppose it is a common occurance to run through the woods with your 53 year old dad .......for over an hour.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Real Trail Running
3/21/09 Saturday

OK....So I look a bit proud......Who wouldn't be? My oldest son Matt and my youngest Kevin ran the fells with me today.....or should I say I ran with them as they were leading.

Kevin confers with the Ranger here....you should stay on the trail! He was inadvertantly forced to seek an alternative route through a tight spot and some pricker bush tried to grab his leg and didn't want to let go!
The boys are more interested in running the trail than posing for pictures..
A video of our run and me trying to keep up with the boys. (IT DIDN"T COME OUT HERE BUT IS BELOW)
Well, We didn't make it to South Border Road until a few minutes past 10 Saturday morning. It was only a 5 minute ride from my son's place in Somerville. He has driven by here many times and did not realize how great the trail system was. We decided not to head up to Fallon road as Dan and his crew were starting at 9:30.
The consensus was to run the orange trail which was listed as 5.94 miles and a fairly dificult terrain. I thought perhaps we would run into Dan's crew as the white trail crosses paths with the orange many times. As it turned out, we didn't see any runners. We did pass two bikers and at least a dozen walkers and hikers. We started up the entrance to the trail and figured we would run counterclockwise.
We passed the orange/ white trail on the right and was looking for the trail on the left. We ended up at the water tank reservoir and saw no trail. A couple of walkers were standing next to the fence and the lady yelled "over the top boys" and pointed toward some rocks. Well, we jumped the rocks and headed down the hill and came across a trail/road.
I felt pretty good as I haven't been consided one of (the boys) in quite a long time now. Quite flattering actually. The road/slash trail didn't seem right to me and there were no marking until we came across a sign the said it was a restricted area. I assumed it was the border trail. We decided rather than turn around, we would follow it until we crossed paths with a trail and finally we hit the blue trail.
We followed that back to the road and returned to our starting point. My wife looked a bit confused as we waved on our way by. Somehow we still didn't see the orange trail to the left so we took it to the right instead. We had already logged almost one and a half miles so this would turn out to be closer to an eight mile run after all.
The boys were having fun, jumping logs and hoping over rocks. The pace began to quicken and I suddenly (by the shortness of breath) realized it was quite fast for me. We were hugging 9:25 mile pace and I could feel it. Honestly I spent most of the time barely hanging on the tail end of our little group. Though dead legged and winded, I was glad the boys were here as I would have run much slower by myself.
This pace was good for me. There was one quite large and long hill that I spent most of wishing I could slow down or even walk! I hit my maximum heart rate for the day right here but at least I made it to the top running.
The trails were perfect, no snow, except for a few small patches, a little dryer and a bit less technical than Bradbury mountain east and lots of obstructions to keep our attention. Near the end I was dragging though. I noticed the boys were still hopping and jumping around yet my legs were laboring to lift themselves over the rocks and roots. I tripped once but was impressed with my capability to stay up....just barely.....I had my hand out just in case.
The end finally came and I logged 7.3 miles. Our running pace turned out to be 1:08:30= 9:24......damn, no wonder why I felt so tired! Actual time was 1:12:03 (if you count in stopping to study the map and locate trail markers)giving us an average pace of 9:50. One thing I realized quickly is that trail running on snow does not work all the same muscle groups as true trail running. I think the roots, rocks and unevenness creates a much more work for the core and I felt it!
It was a great run and the boys had a great time dragging dad through the trails. We showered then hit the road house for a fantastic meal and a couple well earned beers!
It was unfortunate that I didn't get to meet up with Dan and his crew, but surely there will be many more chances. I was quite impressed with the Fells and so was my son. He plans on many more runs there.
It was a long ride home yesterday and the stifness in my legs this morning proved it.I lazed around for about an hour deciding about a run. Finally I figured a 5 miler or so at a (whatever) pace would probably limber up the muscles a bit. I hit the road with no expectations at all. Just easy running with hopefully very little effort.
What I ended up with is a very good workout. 5 miles @ 45:46 9:15 pace average splits:
1. 9:53
2. 9:37
3. 9:17
4. 9:12
5. 8:04
Sunday evening I went to portland to my grandson's house to give him a training run. He has been talking about running a race this summer and I told him to run a couple times on his own of a mile or so and then I would take him for a run.
We suited up and hit the eastern prom for our first practice run. The wind was horrendous and chilly. Even with the uncomfortable weather, we managed a 3 mile run and he did quite well. We averaged a 9:52 pace and even worked a big hill into the run. He is a fast learner and at 13 years old, he ran very well.... he is on the road to a good running start.
I had originally planned a 3 and a half hour run this weekend. Instead I had a mixture of good runs that probably gave a pretty good workout overall. I know I had fun and will have to push that super long run to next weekend.
OK...Here is the video of the fells run.

OK....So I look a bit proud......Who wouldn't be? My oldest son Matt and my youngest Kevin ran the fells with me today.....or should I say I ran with them as they were leading.

Kevin confers with the Ranger here....you should stay on the trail! He was inadvertantly forced to seek an alternative route through a tight spot and some pricker bush tried to grab his leg and didn't want to let go!

The boys are more interested in running the trail than posing for pictures..
A video of our run and me trying to keep up with the boys. (IT DIDN"T COME OUT HERE BUT IS BELOW)
Well, We didn't make it to South Border Road until a few minutes past 10 Saturday morning. It was only a 5 minute ride from my son's place in Somerville. He has driven by here many times and did not realize how great the trail system was. We decided not to head up to Fallon road as Dan and his crew were starting at 9:30.
The consensus was to run the orange trail which was listed as 5.94 miles and a fairly dificult terrain. I thought perhaps we would run into Dan's crew as the white trail crosses paths with the orange many times. As it turned out, we didn't see any runners. We did pass two bikers and at least a dozen walkers and hikers. We started up the entrance to the trail and figured we would run counterclockwise.
We passed the orange/ white trail on the right and was looking for the trail on the left. We ended up at the water tank reservoir and saw no trail. A couple of walkers were standing next to the fence and the lady yelled "over the top boys" and pointed toward some rocks. Well, we jumped the rocks and headed down the hill and came across a trail/road.
I felt pretty good as I haven't been consided one of (the boys) in quite a long time now. Quite flattering actually. The road/slash trail didn't seem right to me and there were no marking until we came across a sign the said it was a restricted area. I assumed it was the border trail. We decided rather than turn around, we would follow it until we crossed paths with a trail and finally we hit the blue trail.
We followed that back to the road and returned to our starting point. My wife looked a bit confused as we waved on our way by. Somehow we still didn't see the orange trail to the left so we took it to the right instead. We had already logged almost one and a half miles so this would turn out to be closer to an eight mile run after all.
The boys were having fun, jumping logs and hoping over rocks. The pace began to quicken and I suddenly (by the shortness of breath) realized it was quite fast for me. We were hugging 9:25 mile pace and I could feel it. Honestly I spent most of the time barely hanging on the tail end of our little group. Though dead legged and winded, I was glad the boys were here as I would have run much slower by myself.
This pace was good for me. There was one quite large and long hill that I spent most of wishing I could slow down or even walk! I hit my maximum heart rate for the day right here but at least I made it to the top running.
The trails were perfect, no snow, except for a few small patches, a little dryer and a bit less technical than Bradbury mountain east and lots of obstructions to keep our attention. Near the end I was dragging though. I noticed the boys were still hopping and jumping around yet my legs were laboring to lift themselves over the rocks and roots. I tripped once but was impressed with my capability to stay up....just barely.....I had my hand out just in case.
The end finally came and I logged 7.3 miles. Our running pace turned out to be 1:08:30= 9:24......damn, no wonder why I felt so tired! Actual time was 1:12:03 (if you count in stopping to study the map and locate trail markers)giving us an average pace of 9:50. One thing I realized quickly is that trail running on snow does not work all the same muscle groups as true trail running. I think the roots, rocks and unevenness creates a much more work for the core and I felt it!
It was a great run and the boys had a great time dragging dad through the trails. We showered then hit the road house for a fantastic meal and a couple well earned beers!
It was unfortunate that I didn't get to meet up with Dan and his crew, but surely there will be many more chances. I was quite impressed with the Fells and so was my son. He plans on many more runs there.
It was a long ride home yesterday and the stifness in my legs this morning proved it.I lazed around for about an hour deciding about a run. Finally I figured a 5 miler or so at a (whatever) pace would probably limber up the muscles a bit. I hit the road with no expectations at all. Just easy running with hopefully very little effort.
What I ended up with is a very good workout. 5 miles @ 45:46 9:15 pace average splits:
1. 9:53
2. 9:37
3. 9:17
4. 9:12
5. 8:04
Sunday evening I went to portland to my grandson's house to give him a training run. He has been talking about running a race this summer and I told him to run a couple times on his own of a mile or so and then I would take him for a run.
We suited up and hit the eastern prom for our first practice run. The wind was horrendous and chilly. Even with the uncomfortable weather, we managed a 3 mile run and he did quite well. We averaged a 9:52 pace and even worked a big hill into the run. He is a fast learner and at 13 years old, he ran very well.... he is on the road to a good running start.
I had originally planned a 3 and a half hour run this weekend. Instead I had a mixture of good runs that probably gave a pretty good workout overall. I know I had fun and will have to push that super long run to next weekend.
OK...Here is the video of the fells run.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Too Much Info
Am I logging too much information? Perhaps I should just leave the gadgets at home and just run as the spirit moves me? Sometimes I wonder why I calculate my times, my splits, my heart rate, hey I am not getting paid to do this, I am only running for fun.
Is it really for fun? I sometimes wonder as I am laboring up a long hill and barely able to suck in enough oxygen in each breath. Is it that much fun to be lame the next day after a grueling long trail run?
I sometimes think running is a drug and the addiction of it is strong.....your mind want's to let your body be lazy........but if you don't run the body begins to feel bad....some type of horrible withdrawals I think.
The guilty feeling overpowers normal thought, the energy level slows to a crawl, the brain seems to skip a few beats and overall you can actually "feel" the fat growing in places most don't see and you never talk about.
You finally can't take it any more and on comes the running shorts, the shoes are slid on and you hit the road. Your body starts complaining and your mind begins listening and believing you shouldn't be doing this, but you keep trudging and try catching your breath.
Suddenly there is the end and you pick things up a bit. You are winded yet strong, tired yet exilarated.........you give all you have and cross that imaginary line like there is a ghost chasing you.....and then it is over.
You slow down and stop to catch your breath. Your body is screaming YEAH! You made it, you are done and the adrenalin penetrates your whole body. Your mind realizes how much you love this, anxiously thinking about the next time and how you will run stronger....faster...harder...and feel that much better.
You remind yourself how much you love to run, how great it is for the body, for your health.......so why did you feel that way at the start? Is the human body designed to be lazy? It seems so much easier to rationalize excuses to do nothing......
My run today was fantastic! I spent the whole day watching the sun bake the melting snow, showing it's power and desire to control the world. I wanted to get home and go for a run. Not the treadmill but outdoors where I can stretch my legs out and feel the world passing by.
I have to admit that I couldn't take it and left work early. I hurried home and changed into my running shorts, plugged in all my gadgets.....my nike nano, my garmen 305, my headphones and hit the road running.
It felt soooo good and the weather was perfect 58 degrees and sunny. The road was covered with spots of running water as the snow was finally giving up it's coldness and heading for the ditches. I didn't side step or try to go around, I just stomped right through the water. The sound was music to my ears as I realized the "crunching " of snow was finally gone and spring sounds took their place.
The 3.2 mile route I ran today is a very familiar one. It has a mix of tar, dirt, a long gradual hill, two quick steeper hills and a slight down grade finish. The first thing I noticed was that the hills were not slowing me down at all and my heartrate was staying consistant. I could see that the treadmill hill work and the long snowy trails through the winter have surely helped me.
The big and long hill are in the second mile and for the first time I can remember, my second mile split was not slower than my first, it was exactly the same. How unusal....it feels good as it tells me I am in pretty good shape as far as stamina goes.....now I just need a little speed.
This was no where near my fastest time on this loop but it sure was quite consistant and enjoyable.
3.2 miles @25:03 7:50 average pace.
1st......8:01----158av ----159 maxHR
2nd(hill)8:01----156av----160 max
3rd .....7:52 ---157av-----162 max
.2 kick ....7:17 ---162av---163 max
1 mile cooldwn @ 9:25 pace.
Am I logging too much information? Perhaps I should just leave the gadgets at home and just run as the spirit moves me? Sometimes I wonder why I calculate my times, my splits, my heart rate, hey I am not getting paid to do this, I am only running for fun.
Is it really for fun? I sometimes wonder as I am laboring up a long hill and barely able to suck in enough oxygen in each breath. Is it that much fun to be lame the next day after a grueling long trail run?
I sometimes think running is a drug and the addiction of it is strong.....your mind want's to let your body be lazy........but if you don't run the body begins to feel bad....some type of horrible withdrawals I think.
The guilty feeling overpowers normal thought, the energy level slows to a crawl, the brain seems to skip a few beats and overall you can actually "feel" the fat growing in places most don't see and you never talk about.
You finally can't take it any more and on comes the running shorts, the shoes are slid on and you hit the road. Your body starts complaining and your mind begins listening and believing you shouldn't be doing this, but you keep trudging and try catching your breath.
Suddenly there is the end and you pick things up a bit. You are winded yet strong, tired yet exilarated.........you give all you have and cross that imaginary line like there is a ghost chasing you.....and then it is over.
You slow down and stop to catch your breath. Your body is screaming YEAH! You made it, you are done and the adrenalin penetrates your whole body. Your mind realizes how much you love this, anxiously thinking about the next time and how you will run stronger....faster...harder...and feel that much better.
You remind yourself how much you love to run, how great it is for the body, for your health.......so why did you feel that way at the start? Is the human body designed to be lazy? It seems so much easier to rationalize excuses to do nothing......
My run today was fantastic! I spent the whole day watching the sun bake the melting snow, showing it's power and desire to control the world. I wanted to get home and go for a run. Not the treadmill but outdoors where I can stretch my legs out and feel the world passing by.
I have to admit that I couldn't take it and left work early. I hurried home and changed into my running shorts, plugged in all my gadgets.....my nike nano, my garmen 305, my headphones and hit the road running.
It felt soooo good and the weather was perfect 58 degrees and sunny. The road was covered with spots of running water as the snow was finally giving up it's coldness and heading for the ditches. I didn't side step or try to go around, I just stomped right through the water. The sound was music to my ears as I realized the "crunching " of snow was finally gone and spring sounds took their place.
The 3.2 mile route I ran today is a very familiar one. It has a mix of tar, dirt, a long gradual hill, two quick steeper hills and a slight down grade finish. The first thing I noticed was that the hills were not slowing me down at all and my heartrate was staying consistant. I could see that the treadmill hill work and the long snowy trails through the winter have surely helped me.
The big and long hill are in the second mile and for the first time I can remember, my second mile split was not slower than my first, it was exactly the same. How unusal....it feels good as it tells me I am in pretty good shape as far as stamina goes.....now I just need a little speed.
This was no where near my fastest time on this loop but it sure was quite consistant and enjoyable.
3.2 miles @25:03 7:50 average pace.
1st......8:01----158av ----159 maxHR
2nd(hill)8:01----156av----160 max
3rd .....7:52 ---157av-----162 max
.2 kick ....7:17 ---162av---163 max
1 mile cooldwn @ 9:25 pace.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Where is Spring?
I have spring fever. It is a feeling that overwhelms me as I watch the snow slowly melt and turn brown. The white beauty is gone and I am anxiously waving good bye as I think about where I will store my winter appearal.
I am ready for that feeling of grip as the toe of my cascadias wraps it's claws around the dirt and propels me forward. Catching the sun's rays peaking through the green forests creating a warm tingling feeling every place it touches me.
No more fretting over how many layers I will need as I scamper out the door doning only a tanktop and shorts, not calculating the 20 degree running rule or covering exposed skin.
Trading the soothing quiet of the snow covered woods for the many noises of spring, the birds singing, the brooks gurgling, the wind whispering,the crackling of the dead brush as I negotiate the weaving trail............
Now for the somewhat boring running report.
Tuesday (night)
Ab/ core workout then treadmill
3 X 1 mile hill workouts @ 10% grade at a progressive pace. Quarter mile recoveries.
Mile 1.... 4.5-5.0 .. speed, 9:33 pace, (8:54kick)
Mile 2.... 5.0- 5.5 .. speed, 8:56 pace, (7:35 kick)
Mile 3.... 5.5-6.0 ..speed, 8:25 pace, (7:04 kick)
2 mile easy ....5% grade... 9:59 pace
6 total miles
Wednesday (night)
Ab/ core workout then treadmill
4 miles tempo 5% grade 5 speed. 8:57 pace.
9:14 (don't know what happened here...should have been 8:40 or so)
8:07 ...(7:38 kick)
1/2 mile cooldown.
4.5 total miles.
I am ready for that feeling of grip as the toe of my cascadias wraps it's claws around the dirt and propels me forward. Catching the sun's rays peaking through the green forests creating a warm tingling feeling every place it touches me.
No more fretting over how many layers I will need as I scamper out the door doning only a tanktop and shorts, not calculating the 20 degree running rule or covering exposed skin.
Trading the soothing quiet of the snow covered woods for the many noises of spring, the birds singing, the brooks gurgling, the wind whispering,the crackling of the dead brush as I negotiate the weaving trail............
Now for the somewhat boring running report.
Tuesday (night)
Ab/ core workout then treadmill
3 X 1 mile hill workouts @ 10% grade at a progressive pace. Quarter mile recoveries.
Mile 1.... 4.5-5.0 .. speed, 9:33 pace, (8:54kick)
Mile 2.... 5.0- 5.5 .. speed, 8:56 pace, (7:35 kick)
Mile 3.... 5.5-6.0 ..speed, 8:25 pace, (7:04 kick)
2 mile easy ....5% grade... 9:59 pace
6 total miles
Wednesday (night)
Ab/ core workout then treadmill
4 miles tempo 5% grade 5 speed. 8:57 pace.
9:14 (don't know what happened here...should have been 8:40 or so)
8:07 ...(7:38 kick)
1/2 mile cooldown.
4.5 total miles.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Another long run
Another 3 hr scheduled run and another completed, well almost as I ended up at 2:55:38 when I arrived back home. I quickly weighed out between running an additional
4 minutes or my morning (late morning by now) coffee. Well the coffee won out. I didn't figure the four minutes would matter that much.
Below, a sunny shot from Blueberry hill in Cumberland.

I shot a short video of landscape at the top of Blueberry hill. It is a place full of past memories. When I was in school,we used to party up here and half the fun was getting up the hill as there was not really a road but more like a rocky trail. I didn't run back then but we had 4x4 trucks and they had little trouble negotiating the rocks and brush.
Todays run was much better than last week as I didn't need the snowshoes. Instead I wore my Northface gortex with screws. It was perfect and I had just the right amount of traction. The snow was quite hard except for an inch or two of granular type material. It did get a little softer as time went by but was very runable through the hole trek.
I managed 14 miles in the 2:55:38 time and am quite happy with that as the terrain is very uneven and hilly. I was surprised at one point when a mountain biker passed me on a downhill. I was happy to return the favor and pass him on the next uphill.
This run felt very good and I only walked a couple big hills out of the dozen or so.
I actually could have run those too but I am training for the 50k and figure I better have some training with walking. I think for sure I will be walking then.
A great day overall, 17 degrees to start and 30 when I finished. The sun was bright, warm and beautiful......just a spring feeling through the whole run even though I was running on snow.
My only complaint is a sore right calf bone. Not the shin but the other bone in the rear of the leg. I don't think this will be a problem but it does show how rough the terrain is on the trails. I was planning an easy road run on Sunday but opted out because the soreness was still there.
My reason for running Saturday is to give me time to get signed up for the B to B as I suspected I was fighting hard with the thousands who wanted a slot.
14 miles total
12:33 average mile pace
137 average HR with a max of 156
Another 3 hr scheduled run and another completed, well almost as I ended up at 2:55:38 when I arrived back home. I quickly weighed out between running an additional
4 minutes or my morning (late morning by now) coffee. Well the coffee won out. I didn't figure the four minutes would matter that much.
Below, a sunny shot from Blueberry hill in Cumberland.

I shot a short video of landscape at the top of Blueberry hill. It is a place full of past memories. When I was in school,we used to party up here and half the fun was getting up the hill as there was not really a road but more like a rocky trail. I didn't run back then but we had 4x4 trucks and they had little trouble negotiating the rocks and brush.
Todays run was much better than last week as I didn't need the snowshoes. Instead I wore my Northface gortex with screws. It was perfect and I had just the right amount of traction. The snow was quite hard except for an inch or two of granular type material. It did get a little softer as time went by but was very runable through the hole trek.
I managed 14 miles in the 2:55:38 time and am quite happy with that as the terrain is very uneven and hilly. I was surprised at one point when a mountain biker passed me on a downhill. I was happy to return the favor and pass him on the next uphill.
This run felt very good and I only walked a couple big hills out of the dozen or so.
I actually could have run those too but I am training for the 50k and figure I better have some training with walking. I think for sure I will be walking then.
A great day overall, 17 degrees to start and 30 when I finished. The sun was bright, warm and beautiful......just a spring feeling through the whole run even though I was running on snow.
My only complaint is a sore right calf bone. Not the shin but the other bone in the rear of the leg. I don't think this will be a problem but it does show how rough the terrain is on the trails. I was planning an easy road run on Sunday but opted out because the soreness was still there.
My reason for running Saturday is to give me time to get signed up for the B to B as I suspected I was fighting hard with the thousands who wanted a slot.
14 miles total
12:33 average mile pace
137 average HR with a max of 156
Friday, March 13, 2009
sprint work
Sprint work tonite, I was not sure I felt up to it as the brain only tells you what it doesn't want to do at times and it didn't want to run fast and breath hard after last nights hill workout.
To start it off I ran an easy 1 mile (just to fool the brain into thinking it was going to be easy) The mile went well and the brains guard was surely down.
I set up for sprints and decided on 4-8 200s at around a 7 minute pace. Not too hard yet still speed work. I kept the grade at 5% and was ready to go....The first one went haywire somehow and I only ran it in 1:03 a very slow 7:42 pace with a pitifull kick of 8:16
I decided to speed up a bit on the second and did a .13 @ 56 seconds (6:52 pace)
This was much better and I was actually feeling pretty good. I started watching a Clint Eastwood movie and got my brain off the sprints.
Because I was feeling good, I decided to speed it up a little and do 14x200 with a 100 recovery. I somehow lost count and did only 13. Still I was happy with the results. I finished with a 1 mile easy and then a .75 cooldown walk.
1 mile easy 5% grade 4 speed 9:32 pace
14x200 sprints with 100 recovery between (5%grade 6-7 speed).
1.----.13@1:03 ---(7:42p-&-8:16 kick)
2.----.13@.56 ----(6:52p-&-6:53kick)
3.----.14@.57 ----(6:45p-&-7:16kick)
4.----.13@.56 ----(7:15p-&-6:38kick)
5.----.12@.50 ----(6:41p-&-6:37kick)
6.----.12@.51 ----(6:39p-&-6:25kick)
7.----.12@.52 ----(6:52p-&-6:25kick)
8.----.13@.53 ----(6:45p-&-6:31kick)
9.----.13@.53 ----(6:51p-&-6:33kick)
10.---.12@.50 ----(6:34p-&-6:52kick)
11.---.12@.45 ----(6:12p-&-6:04kick)
12.---.12@.46 ----(6:17p-&-6:08kick)
13.---.12@.45 ----(6:12p-&-6:42kick)--got quite tired at the end of this one.
1 mile @5% grade and 5 speed 9:08 pace
Overall 5.75 miles total
Sprint work tonite, I was not sure I felt up to it as the brain only tells you what it doesn't want to do at times and it didn't want to run fast and breath hard after last nights hill workout.
To start it off I ran an easy 1 mile (just to fool the brain into thinking it was going to be easy) The mile went well and the brains guard was surely down.
I set up for sprints and decided on 4-8 200s at around a 7 minute pace. Not too hard yet still speed work. I kept the grade at 5% and was ready to go....The first one went haywire somehow and I only ran it in 1:03 a very slow 7:42 pace with a pitifull kick of 8:16
I decided to speed up a bit on the second and did a .13 @ 56 seconds (6:52 pace)
This was much better and I was actually feeling pretty good. I started watching a Clint Eastwood movie and got my brain off the sprints.
Because I was feeling good, I decided to speed it up a little and do 14x200 with a 100 recovery. I somehow lost count and did only 13. Still I was happy with the results. I finished with a 1 mile easy and then a .75 cooldown walk.
1 mile easy 5% grade 4 speed 9:32 pace
14x200 sprints with 100 recovery between (5%grade 6-7 speed).
1.----.13@1:03 ---(7:42p-&-8:16 kick)
2.----.13@.56 ----(6:52p-&-6:53kick)
3.----.14@.57 ----(6:45p-&-7:16kick)
4.----.13@.56 ----(7:15p-&-6:38kick)
5.----.12@.50 ----(6:41p-&-6:37kick)
6.----.12@.51 ----(6:39p-&-6:25kick)
7.----.12@.52 ----(6:52p-&-6:25kick)
8.----.13@.53 ----(6:45p-&-6:31kick)
9.----.13@.53 ----(6:51p-&-6:33kick)
10.---.12@.50 ----(6:34p-&-6:52kick)
11.---.12@.45 ----(6:12p-&-6:04kick)
12.---.12@.46 ----(6:17p-&-6:08kick)
13.---.12@.45 ----(6:12p-&-6:42kick)--got quite tired at the end of this one.
1 mile @5% grade and 5 speed 9:08 pace
Overall 5.75 miles total
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hill Workout
3x 1 mile hill workouts tonight. I started out with a plan of running interval sprints and somehow decided to do hill workouts. Apearantly my brain decided that it would be easier? Not sure why but hill work is not easier, it is just a different kind of pain.
This is the second night in a row that I could have run outdoors as there is plenty of daylight now that the time has changed. I usually have somewhat of a plan before I head for home and usually that is adjusted when I actually arrive.
Tonight, supper was ready when I arrived so of course I ate first. Then I received a phone call and next thing you know it is 6:30 and daylight is fading into the shadows.
I guees it is not realy a problem as I have the treadmill, bike, rowing machine and weight bench, it is not like I can't get a good workout inside. Also, when doing sprints or hills, it seems the treadmill works well for that.
I call it a fartlik 3x 1 mile hill workout as I sped to a kick at the end of each mile and also increased the intensity each mile.
mile 1 @ 10% grade 4 speed 9:41 pace (9:16 kick)
400 recovery walk at 10% grade and 3 speed
mile 2 @ 10% grade 4.5 speed 9:07 pace (8:30 kick)
400 recovery walk 10% grade 3 speed
mile 3 @ 10% grade 4.8 speed 8:56 pace (8:13 kick)
800 recovery walk 10% grade 3 speed.
3 miles hill @ 27:44 --- 9:16 average pace
1 mile recovery
3x 1 mile hill workouts tonight. I started out with a plan of running interval sprints and somehow decided to do hill workouts. Apearantly my brain decided that it would be easier? Not sure why but hill work is not easier, it is just a different kind of pain.
This is the second night in a row that I could have run outdoors as there is plenty of daylight now that the time has changed. I usually have somewhat of a plan before I head for home and usually that is adjusted when I actually arrive.
Tonight, supper was ready when I arrived so of course I ate first. Then I received a phone call and next thing you know it is 6:30 and daylight is fading into the shadows.
I guees it is not realy a problem as I have the treadmill, bike, rowing machine and weight bench, it is not like I can't get a good workout inside. Also, when doing sprints or hills, it seems the treadmill works well for that.
I call it a fartlik 3x 1 mile hill workout as I sped to a kick at the end of each mile and also increased the intensity each mile.
mile 1 @ 10% grade 4 speed 9:41 pace (9:16 kick)
400 recovery walk at 10% grade and 3 speed
mile 2 @ 10% grade 4.5 speed 9:07 pace (8:30 kick)
400 recovery walk 10% grade 3 speed
mile 3 @ 10% grade 4.8 speed 8:56 pace (8:13 kick)
800 recovery walk 10% grade 3 speed.
3 miles hill @ 27:44 --- 9:16 average pace
1 mile recovery
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Where is the spring cusp?

March 10, 2009
During the day I felt the beaming sun and thought for sure I would enjoy a nice run on the road tonite. Turns out, I just felt the cold ripping right to the bone as I climbed out of the truck and headed inside to see what the timing schedule was for supper tonight. I never know what my wife has planned and usually gear my runs around her effort. It's only fair!
I just couldn't convince my bones to suit up and head outside so I went down to the treadmill for a run. My legs were still quite tired from Sundays long snowshoe treck so the treadmill was actually a good option.
I opted for a tempo run instead of speed work tonite and just let my brain wander as I popped off an easy 5k. I thought about my training and how my body felt this year. I am running more miles but definately a lot slower pace.
I find myself questioning my training and being in no mans land I suppose with good reason. I don't know how to train for a 50k, though I did learn a lot with the pineland 25K and the Bradbury 12 miler.
I also have the great advice and wisdom from the TrailMonsters and that has helped a lot. I wish my schedule allowed a few more runs with them as their knowlege seems to spill out all over the place.
My focus is on fueling and distance stamina, hence the long runs like last Sunday. My fueling seemed to go well and after 3 hours, I suspect I am doing it somewhat right.
So, now I have to continue to let speed take a back burner to long runs. It sounds easy to say yet it is quite hard to do. In February I ran over 94 miles which is a distance record for me in the winter. This type of milage combined with the core workouts should help me accopmplish a finish at the 50k.
3.1 mile tempo 5% grade 4 speed
27:34 splits: 9:15, 8:53, 7:20 (6:19K)
1 mile hill walk 10% grade 3 speed.
Total miles 4.1
March 10, 2009
During the day I felt the beaming sun and thought for sure I would enjoy a nice run on the road tonite. Turns out, I just felt the cold ripping right to the bone as I climbed out of the truck and headed inside to see what the timing schedule was for supper tonight. I never know what my wife has planned and usually gear my runs around her effort. It's only fair!
I just couldn't convince my bones to suit up and head outside so I went down to the treadmill for a run. My legs were still quite tired from Sundays long snowshoe treck so the treadmill was actually a good option.
I opted for a tempo run instead of speed work tonite and just let my brain wander as I popped off an easy 5k. I thought about my training and how my body felt this year. I am running more miles but definately a lot slower pace.
I find myself questioning my training and being in no mans land I suppose with good reason. I don't know how to train for a 50k, though I did learn a lot with the pineland 25K and the Bradbury 12 miler.
I also have the great advice and wisdom from the TrailMonsters and that has helped a lot. I wish my schedule allowed a few more runs with them as their knowlege seems to spill out all over the place.
My focus is on fueling and distance stamina, hence the long runs like last Sunday. My fueling seemed to go well and after 3 hours, I suspect I am doing it somewhat right.
So, now I have to continue to let speed take a back burner to long runs. It sounds easy to say yet it is quite hard to do. In February I ran over 94 miles which is a distance record for me in the winter. This type of milage combined with the core workouts should help me accopmplish a finish at the 50k.
3.1 mile tempo 5% grade 4 speed
27:34 splits: 9:15, 8:53, 7:20 (6:19K)
1 mile hill walk 10% grade 3 speed.
Total miles 4.1
Monday, March 9, 2009
Walk, Run, Crawl
March 8, 2009
Here is something you don't come across every day, I suspect it was a skidder and why the guy was trying to go up this trail is anyone's guess. The picture doesn't show perception too well. The ruts were over a foot deep and the guy drove up this open area an into the woods for about 300' then the trail became tight and a lot deeper so the guy turned around and went back out the way he came.

I was actually set up to run the Rover 5k today but The three hour training fell on the same day and I felt the this training was more important for the 50K coming up. The 5K surely would have been a lot easier though not as much fun.
I worked quite hard on this run as the conditions were not good at all. Even with snowshoes,I sunk down into the soft melting snow. There were many places (see picture below) that I sunk 4-6 inches even on the snowmobile trail.
I was a bit cold at the start but warmed up well as the temps rose. The snowshoes sliding around was not only tiring but taxing on the ankle joints. I planned on a wet run this morning as the weather report called for rain. You can imagine my surprise when I saw the sun rising.

The first five miles were difficult, spongy like bread dough yet loose like corn meal, an odd mix to say the least. I was quite surprised, I didn't come across any snowmobiles or people on the power lines.
Around the five and a half to six mile mark, I was running on an old railroad bed and the snowmobile trail came to a dead end about 300' from a road and I knew that on the other side of the road, the bed continued after about a quarter mile stretch. I ran on that bed last year quite a bit and felt certain that snowmobilers were using it.
I decided to tredge through the short section of virgin snow rather than turn around at this point. I crossed the road and headed for the old rail bed. I kept going and assuming I would hit some snowmobile track soon. The difficult part was lifting the legs high enough so that the front of the snowshoes didn't get caught in the snow. I felt like I was crawling and it was going to last forever.
It didn't work out as well as I hoped and I ended up getting a much tougher workout than planned. I can only imagine how it must have felt back when this was a normal mode of transportation to get out of the woods and into town for supplies.
My last 1/2 mile I took off the snowshoes and ran home on the road. It felt great to run normal and have solid ground underneath. I felt good about the run as I not only was on my feet for three hours but I still had some energy at the end.
10.5 miles 3:00:06 (17:17 av pace)
Temps @ 36 degrees at the start and appr. 45 degrees when I finished.
Instead of a nice warm shower and coffee when I walked into my yard, I had to jump on the snowmachine and go rescue my son who was stuck up in the woods. Honestly the last thing I felt like doing at this point was to walk throught the deep snow to pick a 700 pound snowmachine up out of the snow.
Surprisingly the ride up to the other machine was quite fun. You sure can go a lot faster through this snow with an engine sitting in front of you! Now the sliding around in the soft snow was much more exciting and I didn't get tired at all.
Here is something you don't come across every day, I suspect it was a skidder and why the guy was trying to go up this trail is anyone's guess. The picture doesn't show perception too well. The ruts were over a foot deep and the guy drove up this open area an into the woods for about 300' then the trail became tight and a lot deeper so the guy turned around and went back out the way he came.

I was actually set up to run the Rover 5k today but The three hour training fell on the same day and I felt the this training was more important for the 50K coming up. The 5K surely would have been a lot easier though not as much fun.
I worked quite hard on this run as the conditions were not good at all. Even with snowshoes,I sunk down into the soft melting snow. There were many places (see picture below) that I sunk 4-6 inches even on the snowmobile trail.
I was a bit cold at the start but warmed up well as the temps rose. The snowshoes sliding around was not only tiring but taxing on the ankle joints. I planned on a wet run this morning as the weather report called for rain. You can imagine my surprise when I saw the sun rising.

The first five miles were difficult, spongy like bread dough yet loose like corn meal, an odd mix to say the least. I was quite surprised, I didn't come across any snowmobiles or people on the power lines.
Around the five and a half to six mile mark, I was running on an old railroad bed and the snowmobile trail came to a dead end about 300' from a road and I knew that on the other side of the road, the bed continued after about a quarter mile stretch. I ran on that bed last year quite a bit and felt certain that snowmobilers were using it.
I decided to tredge through the short section of virgin snow rather than turn around at this point. I crossed the road and headed for the old rail bed. I kept going and assuming I would hit some snowmobile track soon. The difficult part was lifting the legs high enough so that the front of the snowshoes didn't get caught in the snow. I felt like I was crawling and it was going to last forever.
It didn't work out as well as I hoped and I ended up getting a much tougher workout than planned. I can only imagine how it must have felt back when this was a normal mode of transportation to get out of the woods and into town for supplies.
My last 1/2 mile I took off the snowshoes and ran home on the road. It felt great to run normal and have solid ground underneath. I felt good about the run as I not only was on my feet for three hours but I still had some energy at the end.
10.5 miles 3:00:06 (17:17 av pace)
Temps @ 36 degrees at the start and appr. 45 degrees when I finished.
Instead of a nice warm shower and coffee when I walked into my yard, I had to jump on the snowmachine and go rescue my son who was stuck up in the woods. Honestly the last thing I felt like doing at this point was to walk throught the deep snow to pick a 700 pound snowmachine up out of the snow.
Surprisingly the ride up to the other machine was quite fun. You sure can go a lot faster through this snow with an engine sitting in front of you! Now the sliding around in the soft snow was much more exciting and I didn't get tired at all.
Friday, March 6, 2009
This week BLA..BLA..Bla
Wednesday and thursday were very similar runs as I decided to step back from the speed work for recovery and also because I plan a long X-country run this weekend.
Last weekend I did 2.5 hours and plan at least that or 3 hours if the timing (and weather) works my way.
I am all fired up after watching the fatass video from last weekend and kick myself for not finding a way to be there. Perhaps I will shoot some video this weekend.
I was set up to do the Rover 5k but it just isn't going to fit my schedule by the fact that the race is at 11am. I hope someone enjoys my T-shirt!!
3.1 mile run 5% grade and 5-6 speed (Training run) 27:17 8:49 pace
.5 mile cooldown
3.1 mile run 5% grade 5.5-6.5 speed (training run) 26:01 8:22 pace (7:12 kick)
1 mile easy run 5% grade 4.4 speed 9:46
.5 mile cooldown walk.
I hope to get one more run in before the long trail run Sunday .....we will see how it goes.
Last weekend I did 2.5 hours and plan at least that or 3 hours if the timing (and weather) works my way.
I am all fired up after watching the fatass video from last weekend and kick myself for not finding a way to be there. Perhaps I will shoot some video this weekend.
I was set up to do the Rover 5k but it just isn't going to fit my schedule by the fact that the race is at 11am. I hope someone enjoys my T-shirt!!
3.1 mile run 5% grade and 5-6 speed (Training run) 27:17 8:49 pace
.5 mile cooldown
3.1 mile run 5% grade 5.5-6.5 speed (training run) 26:01 8:22 pace (7:12 kick)
1 mile easy run 5% grade 4.4 speed 9:46
.5 mile cooldown walk.
I hope to get one more run in before the long trail run Sunday .....we will see how it goes.
Monday, March 2, 2009
It Seems I Am Consistantly Posting Two Runs At A Time.....?
Thursday was speed workout night and I figured it would be interesting as I ran a fairly fast tempo run Wednesday night. The plan was 6X800 at 3:55 with 200 recoveries.
I ran a mile easy to warmup. 5% grade and 4mph 10:13
I started the 800s with the tread at 5% incline and speed at 6 mph. The plan was speed up 800s, meaning I would pick it up half way through each 800 and kick at the end. I felt good doing these and actually my last one felt the strongest and the easiest. Ironically the 5th one "felt" the most dificult. The spits show the 800 time, the overall pace and then the kick.
1. 3:54 7:44 pace 7:05 kick
2. 3:48 7:32 pace 7:06 kick
3. 3:46 7:28 pace 7:06 kick
4. 3:46 7:26 pace 7:19 kick
5. 3:47 7:32 pace 7:04 kick
6. 3:41 7:18 pace 7:01 kick
recovery was 200 equaling .75 miles.
I finsihed with an easy 1 mile run @ 9:07 pace still 5% grade and 4.5 speed then a .25 walk cooldown.
Overall 6 miles.
Though I missed the Fatass, I did spend the afternoon shoveling off my deck (which had not been cleaned off all winter) and a walk way for my daughter's dog run. The snow is so deep out back that the poor thing couldn't do anything but walk up and down the driveway. I only mention it becasue it was so difficult shovelng snow and breaking ice, that I considered it a cross training "weight room" workout.
My long trail run today was destined to be a 14 mile run at somewhere around 10:30 pace. I decided that I was not sure how I would feel because of the lameness from yesterdays ice breaking adventure combined with the 13 degree (but much colder than that feeling) temp and the fact that it was supposed to snow.
So I decided to have my own fatass. Now being that I ran on the road and even though I ran in the ditch which did give me uneven terrain,I couldn't actually call it a fatass. I thought about it and decided on "only slightly larger than normal ass" Perhaps a mini fatass that has not grown large enough to deserve the magnatude of the full name.
I have a 5.15 loop that incorporates a steep hill and a long "lesser grade" hill,a few rolling hills, so the degree of dificulty creates good overall training. The plus is that when doing loops, you gain a lot of information that is quite helpful.
The large hill is in the 2nd mile and the long hill is mile 3.5 -4.5 the last mile is relatively easy which worked well for finishing each loop strong.
Loop 1............../.......loop 2............./.......Loop 3
Pace..ave HR.Max HR
(5)9:25....138--142.../...9:24.....138-142......./...9:07....145-159 (7:40 kick)at end of 15.3
1. 49:10 142-159
2. 49:31 138-153
3. 49:44 140-159 (7:40--kick @ 165 HR)
About 1 minute between loops for a drink. I felt good about the run though I had some pretty tired legs after.
Total 15.3 miles @2:28:25 9:42 pace (9:49 pace if the two one minute breaks are added in)
Thursday was speed workout night and I figured it would be interesting as I ran a fairly fast tempo run Wednesday night. The plan was 6X800 at 3:55 with 200 recoveries.
I ran a mile easy to warmup. 5% grade and 4mph 10:13
I started the 800s with the tread at 5% incline and speed at 6 mph. The plan was speed up 800s, meaning I would pick it up half way through each 800 and kick at the end. I felt good doing these and actually my last one felt the strongest and the easiest. Ironically the 5th one "felt" the most dificult. The spits show the 800 time, the overall pace and then the kick.
1. 3:54 7:44 pace 7:05 kick
2. 3:48 7:32 pace 7:06 kick
3. 3:46 7:28 pace 7:06 kick
4. 3:46 7:26 pace 7:19 kick
5. 3:47 7:32 pace 7:04 kick
6. 3:41 7:18 pace 7:01 kick
recovery was 200 equaling .75 miles.
I finsihed with an easy 1 mile run @ 9:07 pace still 5% grade and 4.5 speed then a .25 walk cooldown.
Overall 6 miles.
Though I missed the Fatass, I did spend the afternoon shoveling off my deck (which had not been cleaned off all winter) and a walk way for my daughter's dog run. The snow is so deep out back that the poor thing couldn't do anything but walk up and down the driveway. I only mention it becasue it was so difficult shovelng snow and breaking ice, that I considered it a cross training "weight room" workout.
My long trail run today was destined to be a 14 mile run at somewhere around 10:30 pace. I decided that I was not sure how I would feel because of the lameness from yesterdays ice breaking adventure combined with the 13 degree (but much colder than that feeling) temp and the fact that it was supposed to snow.
So I decided to have my own fatass. Now being that I ran on the road and even though I ran in the ditch which did give me uneven terrain,I couldn't actually call it a fatass. I thought about it and decided on "only slightly larger than normal ass" Perhaps a mini fatass that has not grown large enough to deserve the magnatude of the full name.
I have a 5.15 loop that incorporates a steep hill and a long "lesser grade" hill,a few rolling hills, so the degree of dificulty creates good overall training. The plus is that when doing loops, you gain a lot of information that is quite helpful.
The large hill is in the 2nd mile and the long hill is mile 3.5 -4.5 the last mile is relatively easy which worked well for finishing each loop strong.
Loop 1............../.......loop 2............./.......Loop 3
Pace..ave HR.Max HR
(5)9:25....138--142.../...9:24.....138-142......./...9:07....145-159 (7:40 kick)at end of 15.3
1. 49:10 142-159
2. 49:31 138-153
3. 49:44 140-159 (7:40--kick @ 165 HR)
About 1 minute between loops for a drink. I felt good about the run though I had some pretty tired legs after.
Total 15.3 miles @2:28:25 9:42 pace (9:49 pace if the two one minute breaks are added in)
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