Wednesday, December 5, 2012


 Lately I find myself thinking about the new year and how I am going to position my runs and races.
I decided that I would do my best to find a way to attend more TM functions and started that by accepting the invite to  TILL WE MEET IN HELL and looked forward to the drinks later.

Problem is, a scheduling conflict arose and here I am declining a great event again not only that but I might also have a problem making it to the GAC fatass this year too..... this is already starting to feel like last year. I can't let this continue and have to find the means to get back on my planned track.

 Anyway, I seem to be catching myself daydreaming of great races and long runs.....It's a good sign that I am healthy and ready for the new season. I want, no I am going to run a 50 miler in 2013.

That being said, now all I have to do is find ways to keep outside interferences to the minimum, not sure how I am going to accomplish that.

1 comment:

Sparkplug said...

I've come to realize that outside interference, in my case, working on Saturdays and having a 3-year old, will always affect my running and my schedule. I can' figure out a way around it! So, I just go into my training knowing that some runs and distances aren't going to happen. I call it flexible training :-) I hope you can figure out a way to get your miles and the fun social stuff in. I think you definitely have a good 50 miler in you for 2013!! Can't wait to hear which one you choose :-)