Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning Dream

I love winter (when it's not raining) and would not trade the four season changes for anything.....but if I could wake up every morning to only one view, it would be similar to this one.

Well, last week was Christmas, I was sick, my furnace quit, I had shopping to do(I always wait till the last week) and only 3 days to schedule 5 days of work (I took one of those off to repair the furnace). There is no doubt that the week before Christmas is the ball and chain that breaks my flow and interupts any chance that I can get in my runs and workouts. Because of this and the extra problems this year, I basically took the week off from running. It was a good choice even if I gained a few pounds from all the food.

In my mind I visioned various long runs during the three days off for the holidays and dreamed of how great it would be to accomplish that.....of course it didn't happen but I did finally get in a short run on Sunday and it felt good to stop eating for a few minutes.

I got up early Sunday only to hear the heavy rain beating down on the roof which helped me decide to run inside and work on a hill workout. 4 miles continuous on 10% grade is a pretty decent workout and my body felt it. Not quite the long run I wanted but at least it was a run.

With the Holiday rush behind me, I am looking forward to some good long runs to prepare for a busy spring. I feel a little bit out of shape for the fatass GAC race but figure I will at least show up for the social aspect and probably knock off at least two 10k laps.

I have been meaning to catch up with these southern New England trail runners for some time and it seems this is a good chance to do just that. My schedule is a bit up in the air right now as I may run down to Boston and catch up with my son first ( I am hoping to get him to run with me as the 9th is my birthday) We will see what happens.

All and all, I am psyched for the new year. I am planning some new adventures, a few PRs and hopefully a 50 miler or at least a couple 5oK. I am thinking of the Vermont 50 or Stone Cat as options. Of course it all boils down to my health and my schedule, if they both co-operate 2010 could turn out to be a great year.

1 comment:

Scout said...

Your new year sounds great. Hope you're including my birthday fatass in there (Feb 20th)!

Your break probably did you some good - even if you have a holiday pound or two to deal with :)